On Line Booking of Squash Courts - Kings Heath Squash Club

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On Line Booking of Squash Courts

2024 Courts
Court fees are £3 (£1.50 per adult player) or £1 (£0.50 per junior player) for 50 mins
Courts are booked via the Payne Automation XML2020 electronic On-line Booking System, comprising:
i) Kiosk (PC in squash courts corridor) - Key Fob or Login ID+password to book courts, view court bookings
ii) On-line - Access via link below to: Book courts, view court bookings, credit member's account
iii) Courtside Controller (Display in squash courts corridor) - Key Fob to activate lights, extend court booking
Book On-Line
To access the on-line booking system (new link/software from 18/6/24) click on:
PC/Mac/Tablet/Smartphone link (from 18/6/24): https://kingsheath.aspsystems.co.uk/sdbookit/bookitasp.dll/new

The new on-line software has greater functionality, but differs from the previous system:
1) Select Court
Click on a date to book a court
Concurrent courts (ie both Court 1 & Court 2) are 'Not Bookable' for the same (equivalent) time
On a PC/Mac/Tablet, Court 1 & Court 2 schedules display next to each other if zoom is adjusted to avoid wrap around

2) Member name search
Wherever a drop down menu appears, search for a member based on any part of either their forename or surname

3) Home, My Bookings, Add/Change Participants
Once the Originator adds an Opponent, the system assumes both players have already agreed to play
The Opponent is notified of the booking by email, but there is no facility for the Opponent to accept or decline
50% of the court fee (£1.50) is transferred to the Opponent (2 minutes before the court booking commences)
Only the Originator can remove an Opponent (with no other Opponent, the Originator is charged the full court fee)

4) Home, My Bookings, Cancel
Following a cancellation, a refund is only given if either:
a) The court booking is cancelled within 1 minute (allows for booking the wrong court by mistake)
b) The cancelled court is rebooked

5) Home, My Account
Contact fields are visible to other members
Remove information from fields if you do not wish those contact details to be made available to other members

6) Home, My Preferences
Enable a day & time window where you wished to be notified of any court cancellations within that window

7) Sign In /Sign Out
The system timeout (signs you out) after 1 hour 15 mins
Book at the Court
Courts can also be booked via the Kiosk (in squash courts entrance) using Key Fob
Key Fob
Credit is required on member's account before courts can be booked
A personal Key Fob (required to activate lights) can be purchased from the Bar (£5)
Register Key Fob at the Kiosk before first use
Pay On-Line
Credit can be purchased via the On-line Booking System - click on "Topup via Paypal", note:
i) Pay either using a credit/debit card, or via a Paypal account
ii) There is an identical 4% bank charge for Paypal/ Credit Card/ Debit Card payments
iii) Member's account is credited within one hour, typically under 30 seconds
iv) Member receives an email confirming payment
Booking Period
Courts can be booked 5.00am-11.10pm up to 14 days in advance
Cancelled courts refunded if another member subsequently books that court
Extra Court Time
Fob the Courtside Controller in order to activate lights (lights on automatically if opponent accepted booking)
If court free before booking, lights activate 5 minutes early (strike time)
If court free either side of booking, Fob the Court Controller for extra time:
i) either before booked game (pro-rata eg 15mins 90p)
ii) or after booked game (fixed intervals of 10 minutes 60p)
If using the On-line Booking System for the first time (eg registering key fob), see:

Guidance for booking using the kiosk (located in squash entrance) see:

Guidance for booking on-line see:

On-line Booking System algorithms are described see:
Committee Member responsible for the On-line Booking System is:
Privacy Policy
Cookie Policy
Data Protection Act
Your completed Membership Application Form is passed on to Kings Heath Cricket & Sports Club
Your bank details (for Direct Debit) are submitted directly on-line to GoCardless Ltd
The On-line Booking System displays your contact details, set to your preferences
On leaving Kings Heath Squash Club, your contact details are archived from the On-line Booking System, but retained in case you rejoin (any credit remaining on your account is preserved)
Junior Group Coaching emergency contact details are retained in case of emergency
Your personal information is not made available to any other organisation
Harmless session cookies enable the search function to operate, no personal information is ever stored

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